
Ernest Martin 

The Bible speaks fo rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem.

Rebuilding of the Temple  

Click on the Link above to listen to the Ernest Martin.

Hebrew Nation

View this web site for the podcast radio station called Hebrew Nation in Salem

David Sielaff Interview  

Click on the Link above to listen to the Hebrew Nation interview of David Sielaff from September 29th 2014.
iSpy Radio

This audio track is reproduced with permission from "iSpy Radio"

The Real Location of the Jewish Temple  

Click on the Link above to listen to the David Sielaff Interview from April 2017.
The OZ Radio Show

This audio track is reproduced with permission from "The OZ Radio Show" co-hosted by Paul Jamieson and James Russell Weston.

David Sielaff Interview Part 1   Part 2

Click on the Links above to listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the David Sielaff Interview from October 4th 2013.
The Byte Show Presentations

These audio tracks are reproduced with permission from "The Byte Show" hosted by GeorgeAnn Hughes.

The Byte Show Presentations

Click on the above link for a list of over 100 available presentations. Or click on one of the subject links below for a list of available chapter presentations.
ASK Books:
101 Bible Secrets
ABC's of the Gospel
The Essentials of New Testament Doctrine
The People History Forgot
The Star of Bethlehem
The Tithing Dilemma
Doctrinal Topics:
Afghanistan: Gog and Magog
All Scripture is Inspired
Ghostly Talk Interview

These audio tracks are reproduced with permission from Ghostly Talk Show These are interviews of David Sielaff by Hosts Scott, Doug, and Linda.

June 28, 2009 interview on Ghostly Talk - ListenDownload MP3      NEW

Minus Doug tonight! Still had a great show though. Dwayne Claud joined us to talk demonology. We discussed Weather Warfare with Jerry Smith. We ended the night off with David Sielaff talking about, well, everything!
March 18, 2007 interview on Ghostly Talk - ListenDownload MP3

Please fast forward approximately 6 minutes to bypass the lead-in music and get to my portion of the radio show. The show is less than 1 hour. The hosts were very friendly and allowed me to present Dr. Martin's research about the Temple, and I was able to expand on other biblical subjects. As the hosts wrote, "In our third hour we had our minds blown by David Sielaff. I'm still spinning. ... just listen!!"
The Jeff Rense Show

These audio tracks are reproduced with permission from Jeff Rense.

Jeff Rense Interview

Listen to Ernest L. Martin discuss the Temple That Jerusalem Forgot, The Star that Astonished the World and other topics on the Jeff Rense Show. 

  Click on the graphic to the left to listen to this program.

  Click on the graphic to the left to listen to this program.

Audio CD Transcriptions

You can listen to the audio sound tracks detailed below. Simply click on Track A to listen to the 1st audio track. When that is finished, click on Track B to listen to the second audio track. Use the download A/B set of links if you wish to download the audio and listen uninterrupted or at a more convenient time.

Our Read & Listen program permits you to follow along in the text while Dr. Martin lectures - click a Read & Listen link.

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The 4 character code following the title is the CD number should you wish to order a copy of the audio CD.

Astral Prophetic Patterns - C087

What do the star patterns in the sky reveal to us?

Part 1: MP3
Part 2: MP3

Elohim and The Son of God - David Sielaff

This lecture was presented June 9, 2007 at the One God Conference in Albany, New York. I was invited to present a position contrary to that held to by most everyone at the conference. Organizer Ken Westby and host Sean Finnegan were exceedingly gracious with their facilities, time, and fellowship. I am thankful to them for the opportunity. Most of the teaching I presented will be familiar to readers of the ASK website (but not repetitive), largely reflecting the biblical and historical research of Dr. Ernest Martin.

Part 1: MP3
Part 2: MP3
Part 3: MP3

Free Will and Predestination - C112 

What does the Bible teach about predestination?

Click to read this article while Dr. Martin Lectures...
Track A
Track B

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Jonah and New Testament Themes - C132 
Christ and many new testament writers make reference to the man Jonah.

Track A
Track B
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Jonah in Theology and History - C131 
Listen to how the Prophet Jonah fits into the History of the Bible and what lessons we can learn from his life.

Track A
Track B
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Signs in the Heavens - C098
And there shall be signs in the heavens. What do these signs mean?

Part 1: MP3
Part 2: MP3

Social Custom Versus Biblical Law - C121  
The difference between what is lawful and what is customary.

Track A
Track B
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The Essentials of Prayer - C113 

Do you know how to pray? What is prayer?

Click to read this article while Dr. Martin Lectures...
Track A

Track B
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The Gentile Nations and Israel - C099
How do the gentile nations fit into Biblical History and what are their relationships with Israel?

Part 1: MP3
Part 2: MP3

The Minor Prophets for Today - C124
Who are the minor prophets and what lessons can we learn from their writings.

Track A
Track B
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The Real Meaning of Biblical Words - C085
What is Bible Speak. 

Part 1: MP3
Part 2: MP3

The Role of Women in Christianity - C109
What role did women play in the Bible. Women held positions from prophetess to queen.

Track A
Track B
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The Sacrificial System of Israel - C107 
There’s hardly a subject more misunderstood than that concerning the sacrificial services that were conducted, first in the tabernacle in the wilderness, and at Shiloh, and then at the Temple in Jerusalem. In our modern Western World, the very idea of offering animal sacrifices is considered unnecessary, and even barbaric. But for the first 4,000 years of human history, such activities were performed by the most sophisticated and intelligent societies. Among them was the society of Israel. Such activities continued until the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70.

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The Seven Miracles of John - TSMOJ 
I wish to go into the 7 miracles of John today. The Gospel of John is fundamentally different than the first three synoptic gospels. I believe that every one of us who have ever studied the Bible even superficially have recognized that. Clearly the Gospel of John was written after the first three. History, tradition and even common sense suggest that is true. The Gospel of John is supplemental to the first three Gospels. But again it is utterly different—different in scope, different in design, different in content.

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To Preach Your Own Funeral - TPYOF
When you think of a title like that, it does sound a little silly, does it not, because it would be impossible for you to preach your own funeral unless you would have tape recorded it beforehand, either on a cassette tape or some kind of a videotape. If that were available and you wanted to participate in your own funeral, then obviously that would be possible from that point of view.

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